this is a really good question and I think lies close to the heart of why so many data projects fail. If we can't define what a data product is, then what's our mission anyway?

Zhamak's answer is a bit open ended but its not wrong. Thinking through the difference between a data product and a typical application, two big things jump out to me:

1) Applications are much more deterministic. They are built to solve a specific need. Data products are much more opportunistic. They try to address emerging need

2) Applications are largely standalone and provide a guided experience. You're suppose to use them in a specific way. Data products are incomplete. Or rather they are incomplete without the user. The user is PART of the real product.

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i still don’t understand what nextdata is doing. Given its presumably proprietary nature I can’t find out for myself either.

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Totally. If they want to help deploy / run things, you'll build an orchestrator. If they want to help index the most important things, they'll build a catalog. If they want to federate queries, they'll build Presto. If they want to do all of these things, they build a cloud data platform?

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