Enjoyable read. Should a distinction be made between being an expert and being an elitist? To be an elitist is to have opinions for the sake of being perceived as being better or more refined than others; how one is perceived is critical. While the true expert hold positions based on their correctness, regardless of how it influences their status.
I think expertise and knowledge is definitely an element here, but I don't think it captures the internal drive that needs to complement it. Elitist certainly has negative connotations, but I think about athletes in the 80th percentile who intensely train or artists who create piece after piece without great recognition, and I see an element of struggle and willpower to improve. Where does that come from? Status might be _part_ of it, but I think there's an internal drive towards some good place that is essential.
The part where you write about disgust being the precursor to good taste is particularly interesting to me. I need to think about that.
Enjoyable read. Should a distinction be made between being an expert and being an elitist? To be an elitist is to have opinions for the sake of being perceived as being better or more refined than others; how one is perceived is critical. While the true expert hold positions based on their correctness, regardless of how it influences their status.
I think expertise and knowledge is definitely an element here, but I don't think it captures the internal drive that needs to complement it. Elitist certainly has negative connotations, but I think about athletes in the 80th percentile who intensely train or artists who create piece after piece without great recognition, and I see an element of struggle and willpower to improve. Where does that come from? Status might be _part_ of it, but I think there's an internal drive towards some good place that is essential.
Or just a heady infusion of ego and masochism.
Thank you for the essay! It completely resonates with my way of thinking.
A beautiful read.
Great comments also shared on the Hacker News post (reached #12!): https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34869010